Careers 2.0 is a great match for StackOverflow and it will really help employers find the right programmers for the job, plus it provides programmers with an interesting background showing their efforts in StackOverflow answers. “Everything is completely redesigned and rebuilt to look great, work fast,” says Spolsky. Careers 2.0 is free for developers with the catch that you have to be invited by either your peers or a StackOverflow moderator (before anyone with a credit card could sign up). Employers have to pony up $500 for weekly access. n the future, automatic robot recruiters will use mental telepathy and nuclear fusion technology to get people the perfect jobs. When that happens, rest assured that those robots will be wearing Stack Overflow insignia, but until then, Careers 2.0 is a big leap ahead.
What is Stack Overflow?
Stack Overflow is the largest programming site on the Internet, where millions of programmers from around the world ask and answer highly technical programming questions. It has a unique system of voting, badges, Wikipedia-style editing and reputation that ensures extremely high-quality, peer-reviewed answers to every question.
Spolsky says that programmers have joined StackOverflow because it's a lot like blogging, but with a lower barrier to entry. Busy professionals join the site and share their knowledge for the joy of sharing it, and because they benefit from the collective wisdom offered there. He believes that there are a good number of other fields where there are objective answers to technical questions and where people care more about the right answer than they do about what their friends have to say about something.
It's a great example of building value on top of passively collected data from another kind of activity. Millions of programmers visit and participate in StackOverflow forums to find and share free, community-vetted discussions about their technical challenges. Now the site will help them transform that activity into a resume that employers can find and evaluate. It's free for job seekers; the cost for employers is $500 for one week of access or $5k for one year subscription, with a money back guarantee if an employer doesn't find anyone to hire.
Since launching in 2008, Stack Overflow has grown to over a million questions and 3 million answers on every programming topic imaginable. It is a part of the Stack Exchange network, a fast growing group of number expert Q&A websites. Stack Exchange is a New York-based company, founded by Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood, and funded by Union Square Ventures.
It’s free (to job seekers)… but invite-only.
Stack overflow used to charge job seekers $19 to post resumes. That was supposed to be a basic sanity filter, to make sure that everyone in our system was really looking for a job. Community didn’t like that, and stack overflow team had to agree. There are better filters than money. Starting today, posting a profile on Careers 2.0 is 100% free, but you have to be invited. Invitations come from your peers. We’ll give members a few invites to distribute to programmers they know and trust. Or, contribute to Stack Overflow (and our other sites), get voted up by a lot of smart people, and you may get an automatic invite. By the way, if you paid in the past: thank you! Your account is free for life. But if you don’t think it was worth it, just email us for a full refund.
“You can search for Ruby on Rails programmers in Chicago, and we’ll find folks who have written highly scored ruby answers on Stack Overflow,” says Spolsky. As the technology talent crunch continues, we will see more and more career services focusing solely on engineering. And like Hackcruiter, Careers 2.0 was built specifically to appeal to programmers.
Currently StackOverflow has brand new profiles it can be the programmer’s portfolio. Here is example how looks my portfolio - Agafonov Viacheslav. Profile is redesigned and look great, and you have a clean public URL that can be used as your professional home on the web (Here’s what Joel Spolsky looks like). You can choose your favorite answers which will appear right in the portfolio and can pick the answers which best demonstrate your expertise. (Here’s what Joel Splsky like.)
The new site is replete with fleshed out search interface (below), which lets employers search the StackOverflow programmer database by skills and location among other things. Prospective employers can also see the number of “active” candidates (people actively searching for jobs) vs. “passive” (people who would consider job offers if good enough) as well as include students or limit searches to people who have a legal right to work in the United States.
The best part of Careers 2.0 is that it leverages the candidate’s favorite or best answers on StackOverflow itself, featuring them on each profile as testament to the candidate’s coding skills.
What’s your next career move? Stack Overflow Careers has the best job listings from great companies, whether you’re looking for opportunities at a start up or Fortune 500.Programmers on Stack Overflow are selected for Careers 2.0 based on the quality of their peer-reviewed work. There is no charge, but it is open by invitation only. Each programmer fills out a profile based on their interests, experience, and education. They also select their favorite answers from Stack Overflow to highlight their great work, and they can link to blog posts, github repositories, and other URLs which showcase their professional credentials.

Employers and hiring managers search through programmers’ profiles by technology, location, and objectives. Currently there are number programmers actively seeking new jobs. Employers can also search through the public profiles of number top Stack Overflow users, and request to contact them. Each profile includes a programmer’s experience and education, and, most usefully, samples of their answers on Stack Overflow. This allows employers to pre-screen applications based on a coder’s peer-reviewed skills, eliminating the need to interview a large number of unqualified candidates
About stack overflow - сreated 2 years, 7 months ago, 1.4m questions, 3.3m answers, 82% answered, 512k users, 1.5m visits/day
What is Careers 2.0? Careers 2.0 matches great programmers on Stack Overflow with great jobs. Programmers create profiles highlighting their work on Stack Overflow, which gives employers an in-depth look at their expertise. Employers search for programmers by location, objective, and skills, and screen them based on peer-reviewed work. High priorities for new features in Careers on Stack Overflow, new features: code simples, blog posts, tweets, git hub source code respositories developer concerns that is personal profile. I like this service, because good companies can find good people easy and without any recruiters or any additional problems. What do you think about this service?