russia is waging a genocidal war in Ukraine. Please help Ukraine defend itself before russia has a chance to invade other countries.
Exploring the Intersection of Software Development, AI Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Success | Agafonov Slava Resume

Agafonov Slava Resume

Agafonov Slava Resume

Slava Agafonov - Location: Seattle, WA USA

LinkedIn: Phone: +1 425 246 1675

Slava Agafonov Resume.pdf (206.12 kb)

Software engineer and architect with 18 years of experience in C#, C++, and Distributed Systems in Azure and AWS. I hold two Master's degrees in Technology Management and Computer Science. I excel in building and scaling backend systems, AI pipelines, and distributed systems both on cloud and on-premises. My technical range spans from embedded systems to machine learning. I deliver high-quality, impactful software quickly and persistently. As a US citizen, I effectively collaborate with global teams and adapt to newmarkets.

Meta–Staff Software Engineer (April 2024–present) led content integrity initiatives on Instagram and Facebook, addressing moderation challenges in high-risk areas like child safety and drugs. I developed machine learning systems to identify violations and ensure user trust. I created scalable tools and automated workflows for keyword management in searches. My work on the Searchability team handled billions of daily classifications, enhancing safety across multiple features and services. I built language-agnostic systems and ML classifiers to enforce content violations, using state-of-the-art technologies like PyTorch, Fluent2, Hack, and Feature Store, with automated ML pipelines for peak performance

Microsoft – Senior Software Development Engineer/Architect/Team Lead (March 2011 – March 2024).

  • Devices Operations – (2021 – current: Senior Software Architect) working in the Microsoft Devices Operations – Security & Architecture Solutions team responsible for building iconic devices like Surface, Xbox, and HoloLens. Device Manufacturing architecture team is involved in global factories' supply chain, customer delivery, manufacturing, and testing. Proven track record in launching, deploying, and scaling hundreds of millions of devices and bringing new factories to the US Military/Congress, and other governments or consumer electronics customers around the globe.
  • Bing At Work (2020 – 2021: Senior Software Team Lead Engineer): full-stack, building both UX components shared across workloads such as Sharepoint, Windows,, Dynamics, Azure Cognitive Search, and Bing. Built the core API powering query understanding, ranking, bots, and lookups. Worked on offline systems to mine and model data. Designed, Built, and Scaled cloud services, Enterprise grade to different Regions worldwide, keeping Security, Privacy, and Compliance in line.
  • Bing Skydance (2017 – 2019: Senior Software Engineer): Shipped AI features in Excel to update entities from Knowledge Graph and Financial Exchanges for 50 million users. Created service for NLP project NEMO; improved backend by 15%, 5%, and 50% in loading time, memory, and performance. Built NLP pipeline for Wikipedia tables extraction from 800M tables. Satori: Led a team of four to create a portal to determine web content type and generate attributions from Bing Entity Pane, Knowledge Graph API, and other Microsoft products.
  • Bing Ads CAPI (2014 – 2016: Software Engineer 2): Led a team of three to develop Bing Ads Content API version 2. Increased daily revenue from $2K to $20K and $12M annually. Onboarded Nordstrom, Alibaba,, Rakuten, and eBay with custom features and 24/7 support. Built a service to send 1M ad emails per hour. Architected an engine to extract storage content and upload it to Azure Table with over 1000 rows per second. Shipped service for credit card payments and integrated it with Commerce Transaction Platform.
  • Bing Business Portal and MSN Offers (2012 – 2013: Software Developer - Full Time): Created loyalty service with 64 tests, and fixed 30 bugs. Created automation for CAP used by on-call support in Windows, MSN, and Xbox. Resolved 100 critical bugs. Developed a WPF UI automation framework with 70% test coverage for the full infrastructure.
  • Dynamics (2011 – 2012: Software Engineer in Test – Contractor): Developed verification tools for data migration from CRM Online to Windows Azure cloud and found 30 bugs.

Global Logic – Senior Software Development Engineer (2010 – 2011) - trained on the surgical device in the Medtronic laboratory in Boston. Reverse-engineered source code on the O-arm 3D X-ray imaging system and I also created new. NET-based network protocols and verified them in the device lab and hospitals. I improved the stability and firmness of O-arm devices with a TCP/IP framework that is still used to perform spine surgeries today and designed a web-based tool to evaluate log files from the O-arm applications inside the plugin to Excel. It increased support team productivity and reduced debugging time for remote devices. I built a network communication framework with keep-alive XML validation and it allowed resilient connections with enhanced network performance for each hardware device in the end-to-end process of 3D fluoroscopy. I developed hardware emulators to enable offshore development teams to use the hardware online.

TEAM International – Senior Software Development Engineer (2008 – 2010) - acquired new businesses as a consultant and a remote offshore team leader in Ukraine. I traveled extensively for projects in publishing, recruitment, and e-commerce. I solved internationalization, continuous integration, and scalability issues in the web portal with hiring processes and workflows for IBM, Siemens, and Vodafone. I created a portal to connect with external servers via web services for recruiting agency features. I developed a new e-publishing platform for Apex CoVantage to accelerate optical character recognition for publishers with 5000 operators using the internal software daily.

Altron – Lead Software Development Engineer (2005 – 2008) - While studying for my bachelor's degree, I worked full-time as a team leader and software developer for phone station certification projects. I trained and mentored new hires, implemented data extraction frameworks, and created user interfaces for security staff. I also wrote and developed software for various phone stations, such as Lucent/Alcatel, Huawei, Ericsson, and Intertelecom. I created a multithreaded client/server program to emulate and monitor UDP traffic and network protocol messages from phone stations for CDMA and GSM operators in Ukraine.